Media Kit

We've created a style guide to help you use our brand and assets, including our logo, colours, icons and templates without having to negotiate legal agreements for each use.

Logos and branding

Brand Guide

We have a brand guide that provides a comprehensive overview of NEPHEWS-style applications.

You are free to use our brand elements and assets, but make sure you use them according to our guidelines.
Brand Guidelines


Our logo is an essential part of NEPHEWS’s image and identity. Please do not distort the proportion of the logo, change the colour or alter the logo in any other way.
For questions, requests for other formats etc. please contact us.
Logos for download

Nephews Colours

The following shade of green is the primary colour that characterize the NEPHEWS brand.
65:10:87:24 (CMYK)
R82 G140 B60 (RGB)

Press, Media, Communications and Public Relations

Please contact us if you need information about NEPHEWS. 
We will find the right experts, send you facts and figures and provide you with background materials

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