Virtual Trainings

Unlock your potential!

3 - 4 February 2025

Access the virtual lectures by the leading scientists in the field of synchrotrons, free electron lasers and neutron sources.

To allow people with no or limited experience in Research Infrastructures experiments to participate in hands-on training on the capabilities of Synchrotron, Free Electron Laser, and Neutron facilities, as well as to learn how to write successful proposal applications to be able to secure beamtime for themselves.


The Nephews project offers on-site and virtual training events for newcomers in the usage of large-scale Research Infrastructures.


We will conduct four cycles of two-day training in the following fields:


  • Presentation of Research Capabilities of SR/FELs and N Facilities and their complementarity

    Introducing the research potential and synergies between Synchrotron Radiation (SR), Free Electron Lasers (FELs), and Neutron Research Infrastructures (N RI).


  • Open Access RI

    Providing guidance on access procedures to large-scale RIs and the criteria for developing a successful beamtime proposal.



Join us to enhance your understanding and skills in utilising these advanced research facilities effectively.

Research Capabilities


Access to RI



Access to our virtual training events is open to everyone.




Everyone will be able to register for the events. Registration and Agenda.


Missed the Live Event?


If you can’t participate live, don’t worry. Trainings will be recorded and made available on our website for later viewing.


Day 1 – NEPHEWS – Research Capabilities
Day 2 – NEPHEWS – Access to RI