Virtual Trainings

Unlock your potential!

Access the virtual lectures by the leading scientists in the field of synchrotrons, free electron lasers and neutron sources.

The next edition is coming soon!


The Nephews project offers virtual training events for newcomers in the usage of large-scale Research Infrastructures.


We will conduct four cycles of two-day training in the following fields:

  • Presentation of Research Capabilities of SR/FELs and N Facilities and their complementarity – introducing the research potential and synergies between Synchrotron Radiation (SR), Free Electron Lasers (FELs), and Neutron Research Infrastructures (N RI).
  • Open Access RI – providing guidance on access procedures to large-scale RIs and the criteria for developing a successful beamtime proposal.


Join us to enhance your understanding and skills in utilising these advanced research facilities effectively.


Access to our virtual training events is open to everyone.



Registration details and a comprehensive program will be provided prior to the next edition.


Missed the Live Event?

No worries! You can watch recordings of our speakers’ presentations below.

Keep in mind that live training sessions allow for Q&A, and each session varies slightly. We encourage you to review the recordings and join our online meetings for the full experience.


Introduction to NEPHEWS Virtual Training by Bridget Murphy
The synchrotron and FEL landscape in Europe by Cormac McGuinness
The neutron landscape in Europe by Astrid Schneidewind (ENSA)
Introduction to X rays as a probe of matter, materials and processes by Luigi Paolasini
Introduction to neutrons as a probe of matter, materials and processes by Mark Johnson
Neutron diffraction – introduction and examples by Navid Qureshi
Small angle neutron scattering and neutron reflectometry by Andrew Jackson
Neutron imaging – introduction and examples by Markus Strobl
Neutrons as probes for soft matter: Shinning the beam on cancer cells and burned bones by Maria Paula Marques
Nuclear and particle physics – introduction and examples by Bastian Märkisch
Synchrotron photoemission spectroscopy – from core levels, to environments by Norbert Koch
Synchrotron X ray diffraction – an emphasis on powder diffraction by Andy Fitch
Synchrotron X ray imaging and computed tomography by Paul Tafforeau
Introduction to femtosecond X-ray experiments at X-ray Free Electron Lasers by Christian Bressler
Infrared FELs, their applications and science examples by Stefan Winnerl
Experiments at large scale facilities, practice and workflows in X-ray science by Bridget Murphy
Accessing beamtime through NEPHEWS by Giovanna Cicognani & Rainer Lechner
Accessing beamtime for new users through NEPHEWS by Antje Vollmer & Philip King
User access at large scale facilities from non-facility countries by Paavo Penttilä
Using XRF mapping and micro-XAFS to explore the spatial distribution by Maria Katsikini
Synchrotron X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy–insights into experimental techniques by Alexey Maximenko