Krzysztof Zieliński

The NEPHEWS Consortium offers Trans-national Access (TNA), including travel and accommodation support, to users from EU Member States or Associated States.

The Trans-national Access programme within NEPHEWS includes access to many individual beamlines, representing a world-level cutting-edge instrumentation park and a unique research network in the world as of level and dimension.

Research Infrastructures within NEPHEWS will provide 38,290 hours of beamtime to approximately 902 users.

TNA is offered in two types:
  • On-site access: Users visit the facilities in person and receive „hands-on” service.
  • Remote access: Users have „hands-off” access to the facility, with the analysis of mail-in samples conducted at the facility/installation.
Who is eligible?
  • TNA will be provided to selected academia user groups.
  • The majority of the user group must work in a country other than the country where the installation is located.
  • Only users groups that will disseminate the results they generate under the project are eligible.
  • Access for user groups with a majority of users not working in a EU Member State or Horizon Europe-associated countries is limited to 20% of the total amount of units of access provided under the grant.

EU funding will be allocated to travel and accommodation support to user groups who fulfil the eligibility criteria. A maximum of two researchers per visit are entitled.

An overview and more detailed description of the NEPHEWS Trans-national Access activities you can find here.