NEPHEWS web portal Terms and conditions of use

By continuing to browse or use this website in any way, you expressly agree to the Terms of Use set out below.


  1. Details of the service provider

The Jagiellonian University (The National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS) is a public institution with its legal personality and heritage and with the rights recognized by the Constitution and the existing laws. This institution currently operates the domain, on behalf of the NEPHEWS Consortium Partners. The Jagiellonian University is one of the institutions providing the NEPHEWS Infrastructure and its identification and location data are:

Name National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS Jagiellonian University (hereinafter SOLARIS)
VAT invoice data Jagiellonian University, Golebia 24, 31-007 Krakow, NIP PL 6750002236
Type Public university
Address National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS Jagiellonian University, Czerwone Maki 98, 30-392 Kraków, Poland

The project „NEutrons and PHotons Elevating Worldwide Science (NEPHEWS)” (hereinafter “NEPHEWS”) will deliver access to the world-class collective of Europe’s premier open advanced neutron (N), synchrotron (SR) and free-electron laser (FEL) complementary research infrastructures (RI), to promote curiosity-driven excellence in research.

NEPHEWS has received funding from the EU Framework Programme Horizon Europe under grant agreement nº 101131414.

In these terms of use (and the documents referred to in it), NEPHEWS acts on behalf of the international collaboration pursued by the Consortium Partners.


  1. Purpose and scope of application
  2. These terms and conditions are intended to define the conditions governing the edition and use of web pages and services located at the address and regulate such use. Any user accessing the information and services offered in that domain is subject to this document. Furthermore, certain services may be affected by specific terms and conditions, accessible, where appropriate, in the corresponding portals. Such terms and conditions must be read and will be mandatory for users.
    1. Description of the Service


    NEPHEWS delivers services to private and public businesses (hereinafter “Users”) in Europe as well as outside Europe. NEPHEWS services include, but are not limited to, the provision of content related to the use of research infrastructures, access to scientific-related technological services, supporting programs and training courses. NEPHEWS grants access to the domain temporarily to its users, and it reserves the right to withdraw or amend any service it provides on the site without notice. NEPHEWS aims to update the site regularly and may change content at any time. If the need arises, NEPHEWS may suspend access to the site, or close it indefinitely. Any of the content on the site may be out of date at any given time, and NEPHEWS is under no obligation to update such content.



    1. Responsibility of NEPHEWS


    NEPHEWS manages and administers the information and the services offered through the domain and it will monitor compliance with the following principles:

    • respect for the right to personal data protection.
    • principle of equality, accessibility to information and services through electronic means under the terms established by the regulations in force on these matters.
    • principle of security in the implementation and usage of electronic means.
    • principle of responsibility and quality on the accuracy and authenticity of the information and services offered through
    • principle of technological neutrality and adaptability to the progress of techniques and electronic communication systems guaranteeing independence in the choice of alternative technologies by citizens and by NEPHEWS. To this end, the NEPHEWS will use open standards and, where appropriate and in addition, standards that are widely used by citizens.



    • Exclusion of liability


    Notwithstanding the foregoing, the liability of NEPHEWS shall be limited as set out in clause V.

    The information published on the site shall not be intended to amount to advice on which reliance should be placed. To the extent of services provided free of charge, NEPHEWS shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature. NEPHEWS shall be only responsible for the official nature and truthfulness of the information and services offered by NEPHEWS directly through the domain Therefore, NEPHEWS shall not be responsible or liable to any third party for the content and accuracy of any information or opinions posted, transmitted, uploaded, or submitted by registered users to the site. Moreover, NEPHEWS acts in good faith in the provision of information and services to users through its domain, so NEPHEWS is not liable for:

    • information reproduced by third parties and the information in the cache of search engines (catching services).
    • technical failures that may impede access to information and services offered through the domain.
    • access and use of information and services by minors.
    • access and illegal use by users and activities known as framing or pharming.
    • improper use by third parties alien to NEPHEWS and when those impersonate or emulate the corporate identity of NEPHEWS.
    • the contents of the links that lead to external sites to domain.



    1. Obligation of users


    The status of a user will be assigned to any citizen who accesses the information or services placed within the domain, both if the information is used or not. In the use of the information and services offered within the above-mentioned domain, the users have the following obligations:

    • users shall make good use of the information and services offered by NEPHEWS through the domain
    • the rights of intellectual and industrial property of NEPHEWS and third parties shall be upheld according to the applicable law.
    • users shall collaborate with NEPHEWS when information on illegal or criminal actions related to the use of NEPHEWS telematic resources becomes available.

    In any case, shall the information and services referred to in this document be used for the following aims:

    • incurring illicit or illegal activities of any type and, particularly, broadcasting contents or propaganda with a racist, xenophobic, pornographic, sexist, apologizing terrorism or undermining of human rights character or acting to the detriment of the rights of intimacy, honor, personal portrayal, or infringing people’s dignity.
    • broadcasting fake, incorrect, or inexact manifestations or references on the pages and services of NEPHEWS.
    • damaging the physical and logical systems of NEPHEWS, its suppliers, and third parties.
    • introducing or broadcasting computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may be subject to provoking the above-mentioned damages.

    Users shall not republish, redistribute, show to the public, sell, rent, sub-license, or exploit for commercial purposes content from the domain, unless they own or control the relevant rights in the content, or have authorization from NEPHEWS.

    Users shall not link to any content on the domain unless they have authorization from NEPHEWS.

    Users submitting any content to the website represent, warrant, and covenant that:

    • they have the legal right and authority to accept these terms of submission.
    • they are the owner of the material or content and/or have all the necessary rights, consents, permissions, and licenses which are required to submit the content.
    • the content does not (whether in its submission, subsequent use, or otherwise) infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.
    • to the extent that the content identifies any individual (whether by name, picture, or otherwise), they have obtained all consents and permission from those individuals that are required for NEPHEWS to use the content.
    • the content does not include any material that may be illegal, defamatory, obscene, offensive, harmful to the safety of any person, aimed at harassing any person, or otherwise inappropriate to display on the site.
    • the content does not contain any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (“spam”).
    • at our request, they will provide NEPHEWS with written copies of any consents, permission, and licenses that they are required to obtain in relation to the submitted content.
    • they will keep NEPHEWS indemnified, and hold NEPHEWS harmless, against any claim, loss, damage, cost, expense (including legal fees), or other liability NEPHEWS may suffer or incur because of its use of the content or any breach by the user of this terms of use, whether or not any such liability was foreseeable.
    • they will not be entitled to any further compensation for any use by NEPHEWS of the submitted content.



    1. Intellectual and industrial property


    The design, source code, logotype, brand, and other distinctive signs appear within the domain is the property of NEPHEWS (partners/partnership). Total or partial reproduction of the contents within the site remains prohibited without authorization. NEPHEWS acknowledges and agrees that it obtains no right, title, or interest from the content submitted by the users, including any intellectual property rights which may subsist in that content (whether those rights are registered or not, and wherever in the world those rights may exist). The users acknowledge and agree that they are responsible for protecting and enforcing those rights and that NEPHEWS has no obligation to do so on their behalf.



    1. Data protection

    Data published in

    Sites hosted in the domain may contain personal data. This data shall only be used for academic and administrative aims. The fact of using it for aims different to these and, particularly, for commercial reasons or for a massive sending of emails (SPAM), will be considered as contrary to the principles in Article 4 of the Organic Act 3/2018, of Personal Data Protection and Digital Rights, and its equivalents within the Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).

    In any case, capture and storage of personal data published in the domain remains prohibited.

    Navigation data

    On the other hand, in navigation and use of the services located in the domain, the Privacy policy, and the Cookies Policy of NEPHEWS shall be taken into account.



    • Applicable laws

    Users shall submit to the Polish legislation without prejudice to the present terms and conditions. Any conflict or discrepancy arising from interpreting or applying these general conditions shall be subdued to Polish courts and tribunals.



    • Validity and changes


    These terms and conditions are applicable since the date of their publication. NEPHEWS reserves its right to modify them without any requirements and such changes are binding to all users since the date of their publication on this page. Therefore, users are advised to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes. In case any point or clause of these general conditions is considered to be totally or partially null or not applicable by any competent Court, Tribunal, or Administrative body, such nullity shall not affect the other dispositions within the general conditions.